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It is Impossible to overstate the importance of dentures to the wearer yet they remain one of the most challenging aspects of modern dentistry.

As dental health in the population improves, more patients feel embarrassed about wearing dentures and wish to keep the fact secret.  Thats why we use only the most natural looking acrylic.

Vitallium 2000
For our chrome work we use Vitallium 2000, a totally revitalized partial denture system featuring two newly formulated alloys for improved handling characteristics and advanced physical properties.  With advances in the formulas of Vitallium 2000, it is now possible to create lighter, more refined partial castings with the increased elongation required for predictable adjustments.  You and your patients will appreciate the many benefits that only Vitallium 2000 alloys can provide:

Excellent patient acceptance due to lighter, more refined partials for improved aesthetics and greater patient comfort.

Maintains a high lustre and resistant to plaque. This ensures that your patients can easily and effectively clean their partial dentures. Biocompatibility, Vitallium 2000 alloys are Nickel and Beryllium free.

Kinder wear properties, Vitallium 2000 has a lower Vickers hardness making each partial less abrasive to the opposing dentition and restorations.

Visit the Dental Laboratories Association Web site Visit the DAMAS web site